Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Tests and procedures

Plastic and reconstructive surgery is a specialized branch of medicine that focuses on restoring or enhancing the function and appearance of various parts of the body. This article will delve into the different tests and procedures that are commonly performed in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Preoperative tests

Before undergoing any surgery, certain preoperative tests may be necessary to ensure that the patient is in optimal health and to minimize the risks associated with the procedure. These tests can include blood tests, electrocardiogram (ECG), and imaging studies such as X-rays or MRI scans.

Common procedures

Plastic and reconstructive surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures, each designed to address specific concerns or conditions. Some of the most common procedures include:

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a procedure in which implants are placed to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. This can be done for cosmetic reasons or to reconstruct the breasts after mastectomy.


Rhinoplasty, or nose job, is a surgical procedure that aims to reshape the nose. It can be performed to correct a nasal deformity, improve breathing, or enhance the appearance of the nose.


Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen while tightening the underlying muscles. It is often sought after pregnancy or significant weight loss to achieve a flatter and more toned abdomen.


A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the signs of aging on the face and neck. It involves tightening the facial muscles, removing excess skin, and repositioning the tissues to create a more youthful appearance.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from specific areas of the body. It is commonly performed on the abdomen, hips, thighs, and arms to improve body contour and proportion.

Reconstructive procedures

In addition to cosmetic procedures, plastic and reconstructive surgery also includes reconstructive procedures for patients who have undergone trauma, cancer removal, or have congenital abnormalities. These procedures can include:

Breast reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that rebuilds the shape and form of the breasts for women who have undergone mastectomy or have congenital breast deformities. It can be done using implants or the patients own tissues.

Scar revision

Scar revision is a procedure that aims to improve the appearance of a scar, making it less noticeable and more aesthetically pleasing. This can involve techniques such as surgical excision, dermabrasion, or laser resurfacing.

Cleft lip and palate repair

Cleft lip and palate repair is a procedure performed to correct the congenital condition where the lip or palate fails to fuse properly during fetal development. Surgical intervention can help improve feeding, speech, and overall facial appearance.


Plastic and reconstructive surgery encompasses a wide range of tests and procedures aimed at improving both the form and function of various parts of the body. Whether it is for cosmetic purposes or to address medical conditions, these surgeries can have a profound impact on the lives of patients, restoring confidence and improving their quality of life.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Hvad er formålet med plastikkirurgi?

Formålet med plastikkirurgi er at genoprette eller forbedre udseendet og funktionen af kropsdele eller væv, der er blevet beskadiget på grund af traumer, sygdomme, medfødte misdannelser eller aldring.

Hvad er forskellen mellem kosmetisk og rekonstruktiv kirurgi?

Kosmetisk kirurgi sigter mod at forbedre udseendet, mens rekonstruktiv kirurgi sigter mod at rekonstruere eller reparere kropsdele eller væv, der er blevet beskadiget på grund af sygdom eller traumer.

Hvad er nogle almindelige plastikkirurgiske procedurer?

Nogle almindelige plastikkirurgiske procedurer inkluderer brystforstørrelse, brystreduktion, ansigtsløftning, næsekorrektion, øjenlågsoperation, fedtsugning og maveskindsstramning.

Hvordan udføres en brystforstørrelse?

En brystforstørrelse udføres ved at indsætte en brystimplantat enten under brystmusklen eller over musklen. Implantatet kan være fyldt med enten saltvand eller silikonegel.

Hvad er en ansigtsløftning?

En ansigtsløftning er en kirurgisk procedure, hvor overskydende hud fjernes, og ansigtets væv strammes for at reducere rynker og give et mere ungdommeligt udseende.

Hvordan udføres en næsekorrektion?

En næsekorrektion, også kendt som rhinoplastik, udføres ved at ændre formen eller størrelsen på næsen. Dette kan gøres ved at fjerne eller tilføje væv, eller ved at justere næsens knogler og brusk.

Hvad er en øjenlågsoperation?

En øjenlågsoperation er en procedure, hvor overskydende hud, fedt eller muskelvæv omkring øjenlågene fjernes. Dette kan gøres både på øvre og nedre øjenlåg for at reducere poser under øjnene eller for at fjerne overskydende hud, der påvirker synsfeltet.

Hvad er formålet med fedtsugning?

Formålet med fedtsugning er at fjerne overskydende fedt fra specifikke områder af kroppen, såsom mave, lår eller hofter. Dette gøres ved at suge fedtet ud med en tynd sugekanyle.

Hvordan udføres en maveskindsstramning?

En maveskindsstramning, også kendt som abdominoplastik, udføres ved at fjerne overskydende hud og fedt fra maven samt stramme musklerne i maveregionen for at opnå en fladere og mere tonet mave.

Hvordan vælger man den rigtige plastikkirurg?

Når man vælger en plastikkirurg, er det vigtigt at finde en, der er certificeret og har erfaring inden for det ønskede område. Det kan også være gavnligt at konsultere tidligere patienters anmeldelser og se før- og efterbilleder for at vurdere kirurgens resultater. En personlig konsultation er også en god mulighed for at vurdere kirurgens kommunikationsevner og forståelse for patientens mål og forventninger.

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