Role of cardiac MRI in the assessment of cardiac amyloidosis

Cardiac amyloidosis is a rare but serious condition characterized by the deposition of abnormal protein fibrils in the heart tissue, leading to dysfunction and potential organ failure. The diagnosis and management of cardiac amyloidosis can be challenging due to its varied presentations and similarities to other cardiac disorders. However, cardiac MRI has emerged as a valuable tool in the assessment of cardiac amyloidosis, providing detailed and comprehensive information about the extent and nature of the disease.


Cardiac amyloidosis is a complex disease with significant morbidity and mortality. It can be caused by several different types of amyloid proteins, with transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) and immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis being the most common. The clinical manifestations of cardiac amyloidosis are diverse, and the diagnosis is often delayed or missed. However, recent advancements in cardiac imaging techniques, particularly cardiac MRI, have revolutionized the diagnostic approach and enabled early detection and accurate characterization of cardiac amyloidosis.

Hvad er cardiac MRI?

Cardiac MRI is a non-invasive imaging modality that utilizes a strong magnetic field and radiofrequency pulses to generate detailed images of the heart. It can provide information about the anatomy, function, and tissue characteristics of the heart, making it an invaluable tool in the evaluation of various cardiac disorders, including cardiac amyloidosis.

Cardiac MRI allows for the assessment of multiple parameters related to cardiac amyloidosis. It can evaluate the left ventricular size and function, detect myocardial edema, assess the presence and distribution of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), and quantify extracellular volume (ECV). These parameters are crucial in the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiac amyloidosis, as they reflect the extent of myocardial involvement and the severity of disease progression.

Differentiating cardiac amyloidosis

Differentiating cardiac amyloidosis from other cardiac disorders can be challenging due to its overlapping clinical features with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, restrictive cardiomyopathy, and constrictive pericarditis. However, cardiac MRI can help in distinguishing cardiac amyloidosis from these conditions by assessing specific imaging features.

In cardiac amyloidosis, cardiac MRI often reveals thickened ventricular walls, which is typically more pronounced in the interventricular septum. Additionally, the presence of LGE in a specific pattern, known as the diffuse subendocardial pattern, is highly suggestive of cardiac amyloidosis. This pattern is characterized by global LGE involving the subendocardial layers of the left ventricle and right ventricle. The absence of significant coronary artery disease or myocardial infarction further supports the diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis.

Prognostic value of cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI not only aids in the diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis but also has important prognostic implications. Several cardiac MRI-derived parameters have been found to be predictive of adverse outcomes in patients with cardiac amyloidosis.

One such parameter is the assessment of global longitudinal strain (GLS), which reflects myocardial deformation and contractile function. Reduced GLS has been associated with a worse prognosis in cardiac amyloidosis patients, indicating advanced disease and increased risk of heart failure and mortality.

Quantification of ECV, a measure of extracellular matrix expansion, can also provide prognostic information. Higher ECV values indicate more extensive amyloid deposition and worse prognosis, highlighting the importance of assessing myocardial tissue characteristics in cardiac amyloidosis using cardiac MRI.

The future of cardiac MRI in cardiac amyloidosis

The role of cardiac MRI in the assessment of cardiac amyloidosis continues to evolve with ongoing research and technological advancements. New techniques, such as T1 and T2 mapping, hold promise in providing additional quantitative information about the myocardium and may further enhance the diagnostic accuracy and prognostic value of cardiac MRI.

Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms with cardiac MRI data has the potential to revolutionize the diagnosis and management of cardiac amyloidosis. These technologies can aid in the automated detection and characterization of amyloidosis-related patterns in cardiac MRI images, enabling faster and more accurate diagnosis.


Cardiac MRI has emerged as a valuable imaging modality in the assessment of cardiac amyloidosis. Its ability to provide detailed information about the extent and nature of the disease has revolutionized the diagnosis and management of this complex condition. By accurately identifying and characterizing cardiac amyloidosis, cardiac MRI plays a crucial role in guiding treatment decisions and improving patient outcomes.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Hvad er cardiac amyloidosis?

Cardiac amyloidosis er en sjælden sygdom, hvor unormalt foldede proteiner kaldet amyloidaflejringer opbygges i hjertet. Disse aflejringer kan forårsage betydelig skade på hjertemuskulaturen og nedsat hjertefunktion.

Hvordan påvirker cardiac amyloidosis hjertet?

Amyloidaflejringer i hjertet fører til fortykkelse og stivhed af hjertevæggen, hvilket resulterer i en nedsat hjertets evne til at pumpe blod korrekt. Dette kan føre til symptomer som træthed, åndenød og hjertesvigt.

Hvad er rolle af cardiac MRI i vurderingen af cardiac amyloidosis?

Cardiac MRI, også kendt som hjertemagnetisk resonans, spiller en vigtig rolle i vurderingen af cardiac amyloidosis. Det giver detaljerede billeder af hjertevævets struktur og kan identificere karakteristiske mønstre af amyloidaflejringer i hjertet.

Hvordan fungerer en cardiac MRI?

En cardiac MRI bruger en stærk magnet og radiobølger til at generere billeder af hjertet. Patienten ligger i en tunnel eller en åben scanner, og billederne opnås ved at registrere, hvordan vandmolekyler i kroppen reagerer på magnetfeltet.

Hvilke specifikke informationer kan cardiac MRI levere om cardiac amyloidosis?

Cardiac MRI kan give oplysninger om tykkelsen af hjertemuskulaturen, volumen af hjertekamre og hjertets samlede pumpefunktion. Det kan også vise områder med amyloidaflejringer og vurdere graden af hjerteskade.

Hvorfor er det vigtigt at diagnosticere cardiac amyloidosis tidligt?

Det er vigtigt at diagnosticere cardiac amyloidosis tidligt, da det kan resultere i irreversible hjerteskader. Ved at diagnosticere det tidligt kan behandlingsmuligheder som medicin og organtransplantation overvejes.

Hvad er fordelene ved at bruge cardiac MRI i forhold til andre billedteknikker til diagnosticering af cardiac amyloidosis?

En af fordelene ved cardiac MRI er dens evne til at give klare og detaljerede billeder af hjertet. Det kan også vise forskellige typer af amyloidaflejringer, hvilket kan hjælpe med at bestemme den specifikke årsag til cardiac amyloidosis.

Hvad er nogle af begrænsningerne ved brugen af cardiac MRI?

En begrænsning ved brugen af cardiac MRI er, at det kan være tidskrævende og kræver, at patienten er i stand til at ligge stille i en længere periode. Der kan også være kontraindikationer for personer med metalimplantater eller pacemaker.

Hvordan kan cardiac MRI hjælpe med at guide behandlingen af cardiac amyloidosis?

Ved at evaluere graden af hjerteskade og vurdere amyloidaflejringer kan cardiac MRI hjælpe med at bestemme det mest hensigtsmæssige behandlingsforløb for patienter med cardiac amyloidosis. Det kan også bruges til at overvåge effektiviteten af behandlingsinterventioner over tid.

Er der nogen bivirkninger eller risici forbundet med at gennemgå en cardiac MRI?

Cardiac MRI er generelt sikker og har få bivirkninger. Dog kan der være en let risiko for allergiske reaktioner på kontrastmidlet, og personer med angst eller klaustrofobi kan opleve ubehag under proceduren. Patienter med metalimplantater eller pacemaker skal informere personalet, da disse kan være kontraindikationer.